Currently browsing Purchases & Receipts

Supplier Overpayment

Perhaps your purchases have been overpaid due to an admin error on the supplier side. You can either record this as money back into your account if the supplier returned it, or apply it to another purchase. Supplier returned the money The first step is to show the overpayment being applied.…

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Supplier Refund – Part Payment Returned

Occasionally, you may need to return part of a purchase. In such cases you will have to record a supplier refund for part of the original purchase receipt by creating a credit note and applying a return payment to it. Creating the Credit Note Please navigate to Purchases > Open the purchase receipt > Click Copy in the…

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Supplier Refund – Full Payment Returned

You may find yourself in a situation where you are issued a refund from a supplier and you need to record this in KashFlow. In order to do this, you will need to create a credit note. Creating the Credit Note Please navigate to Purchases > Open the purchase receipt >…

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Unpaid Purchase

You may find yourself in a situation where you will not be paying the remainder of a purchase, or a whole purchase. You will need to write this off as bad debt. Creating the bad debt code The first step is to set up a nominal code called Bad Debt by…

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