Currently browsing Customers

Archive Customers

There may be moments when you will no longer do business with a Customer and will want to represent this in Kashflow, and remove them as options from your drop-down lists. You do this within Kashflow by Archiving the Customer, and this can be done either on an individual or multiple Customer basis.…

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Customer Details

This article will detail the fundamental components of your Customer’s details. To view a particular Customer’s details you will first need to do the following: Customers > Click on the Customer with the details you wish to review You will be directed to the respective Customer’s detail screen which will include…

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Customer Sources

KashFlow gives you the option of selecting a customer source letting you record how you acquired this customer. This can be used for reporting. It is particularly useful in monitoring where you are getting most of your business from. This could be from referrals, advertising campaigns, partner companies etc. Setting Up A…

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Customer Statement

You may often encounter situations where you will want to view the activities between a Customer and yourself, their debts and credits. Kashflow handles this through a Customer statement. Viewing the Statement To navigate to a Customer’s Statement, take the following steps: Customers > Click on the appropriate Customer > Statement > Select…

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Customers Screen

The Customers screen is where you can see a list of all your existing customers and add new ones too.

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