Currently browsing E-Mail

SMTP Configuration

What is SMTP? SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) refers to the protocol most servers use to handle Outgoing Email. This standard of Email Transmission allows for external Applications and Services (such as the Mail Clients of Microsoft ‘Outlook’, Apple ‘Mail’ etc) to make requests to a server to send the emails…

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Text Substitutions for E-Mails

KashFlow supports dynamic text substitutions in both the E-Mail body (message) and on within the Invoice PDF via the Footer and Additional Text fields. The phrase “dynamic” in this instance means that when the E-Mail or Invoice, is generated, it will then pull the current and appropriate information in regards to…

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The Sent E-Mail Icon

There may be occasions where you may want to know if particular information has been emailed, who the information was emailed to and when. Invoices and Purchases keep a record of what emails have been sent beneath their respective notes. Customer Statements and Supplier Statements use the Notes section of their respective Customer or Supplier page to…

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