QuickBooks Importer

If you are moving to KashFlow from QuickBooks you will be happy to hear that you can import your Customer and Supplier data all in one go quickly and easily, just follow this quick step-by-step to get started.

Exporting your data from QuickBooks

Within your QuickBooks account

File > Utilities > Export > Lists to IFF Files

You will then be presented with an option screen; tick the boxes for Customers and Suppliers and then click OK. Save the file somewhere easily accessible like your desktop for example.

Importing into KashFlow

Within your KashFlow account

Settings > Import Data > Import from QuickBooks > Choose File > Select the file you just created a moment a go > Upload

If you have got a lot of Customers and Suppliers this might take a bit of time.

When all the data has been uploaded you will be shown a screen detailing the Customers and Suppliers that are going to be imported into KashFlow, to confirm just click Import. All your Customers and Suppliers are now recorded in KashFlow.

If you would like to import the rest of your data such as Transactions and Products, you willl need to export your data from QuickBooks to spreadsheets, and then map it to our CSV templates.

See how IRIS KashFlow works with your business and your books