Project Report – Income By Product

The Income by Product report allows you to see all transactions associated to a specific product, and you can also filter it to show what is associated to a specific project. Access this report by going to Projects > Selecting the Project > Income by Product report.

Running the Report

Using the options on this page, select;

  • Start Date/End Date – Set the date range for the report, these dates are inclusive.
  • Invoices – Issued or Paid. Invoices issued will show all invoices between these two dates regardless of paid status. Paid will show only those with payments against them.
  • Project – This will automatically default to the project you previously selected by can be changed if required.
  • Source – You can further filter this report by a specific source if required.

When ready, click Re-Run Report.

You can also access the report in Reports > Sales > Income by Product.

The data will display as a pie chart towards the bottom of the page, you can download a breakdown of this report by clicking the Download CSV button.

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