Non-EC Sales List

The Non-EC Sales List displays a list of sales made to Customers that you have selected as being based outside the EC.


Please note that you will need to be recorded as being VAT Registered with KashFlow to be able to run the EC Sales List report correctly. Enable this option by going to

Settings > Company Details > Tick the box by “My business is registered for VAT”  In the newly presented field enter your VAT Number > Update

There is a critical setting that you need to be aware of when recording EC /Non-EC Sales and running an EC Sales List. This is setting the Customer as based outside the EC. This can be done by

Customers > Selecting the Customer > Options > Tick the box for based outside the EC > Update

Running the Report

Run the non-EC Sales List by going to

Reports > Tax > Non-EC Sales List.

Use the following options to set the parameters of the report:

  • Start Date / End Date – this is the date range of the report
  • Bring forward older un-reconciled items – tick this box to include items from before the start date that have not previously been filed in an a VAT Return

When you are ready, click Run Report.

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