Monthly Profit & Loss

The Monthly Profit & Loss Report is a financial statement that summarises the revenues, costs and expenses incurred over a calendar month.

Running the Report


To run the Monthly Profit & Loss (P&L), go to

Reports > General Reports > Monthly Profit & Loss

This report will present your Profit & Loss as a line graph detailing your turnover, net profit and gross profit over your selected period.

  • Use the Start Date and End Date fields to specify the reporting period. Please note that as this is a monthly report the dates entered here will be all inclusive of the selected months. For example, entering in 25/02/2013 – 05/03/2013 will detail the profit and loss for all of February and all of March
  • Selecting “Filter based on a project” will provide a drop-down menu to choose which Project to limit this report
  • You are able to view only Turnover, and/or Net Profit, and/ or Gross Profit by deselecting/ selecting the icons alongside the graph key below the graph

This report can be downloaded as either a PDF or CSV file.

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