Fuel Scale Charge Journal

KashFlow doesn’t yet have the facility to accommodate fuel scale charges automatically. Instead, you will need to create a manual journal entry for this. Please be aware that we cannot advise which codes to use as this will affect your VAT return and reports. If your unsure then you should refer to your accountant.

Creating the Journal

The first step is to enable the journal if you haven’t already done so, click here for more information on that. When ready, go to Journal > +Create. Using the options here;

  • Date – this needs to be dated of the return your running and want to include the scale charges on. For example, if you were running the return for Q1 2019 you need to date this journal between 01/01/2019 and 31/03/2019 otherwise it will not appear in the return.
  • Category – Select VAT Journal.
  • Comment – Enter in Fuel Scale Charges to help you easily identify this in future.

When ready, click Create Journal.

Create the Entry

From the next page enter in your adjustment between the VAT nominal codes and the motoring expenses nominal codes that you have used. The VAT nominal codes you would normally use on KashFlow are the following:

  • Input VAT – This is the VAT recorded on purchases and outgoings
  • Output VAT – This is the VAT recorded on invoices and money received

The net value on the nominal code which appears on the same debit or credit side as the VAT code will also appear on the VAT return.  The value for the balancing entry on the opposite side of the journal will not appear on the VAT return.


Output VAT 20.00
Net for VAT Return Code 100.00
Balancing Code120.00 

Values for the VAT Return
Box 1 = 20.00
Box 6 = 100.00

When ready, click Save Changes. If you are unsure what to enter here it is best to consult your accountant as this will affect your VAT return.

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