Forgot Username, Password or Memorable Word

This article explains what to do if you’ve forgot any of your login details.

Forgotten Username

If you’ve signed up but have forgotten your username try search your e-mail inbox for KashFlow; whenever an account is registered we always send a confirmation e-mail detailing your username and password – all further communications always mention your username also. If you’re still having trouble just drop [email protected] an e-mail.

Forgot Password or Memorable Word

If you have forgot your password and/or your memorable word just click here to be taken to the reset page, just enter in your e-mail address and username and click reset password.


You’ll be instantly sent an e-mail with a new password (and memorable word if selected) and access instructions to the registered e-mail address.

No longer have access to the registered e-mail address

If you no longer have access to the registered e-mail address you will need to e-mail [email protected] with details of your situation. We’ll then have to authenticate you by requesting a series of documents and will advise you on the process.

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