Changing VAT Scheme

If you find that you ever need to change VAT schemes, then you need to ensure that you update your settings within KashFlow on the day that the change is made.

To change your VAT scheme you simply need to go to Settings> VAT Settings and select the correct VAT scheme that you wish to enable. Once you have done this you should also go to Settings>Advanced Settings and change your VAT Reconciliation date to be the day before you changed VAT schemes. This will ensure that the correct transactions are included in the next VAT return.

In the event the calculations are wrong

It is highly recommend that once the VAT return calculation have been made that you Download Calculations and then go through this file to ensure that the figures that are being submitted are correct, when changing VAT schemes there is always a chance of an error and we would not like to be the cause of any trouble with HMRC due to incorrect figures.

Should you notice any issues then we would advise that you submit a VAT return to HMRC manually outside of KashFlow with your own calculations. Our report can still be used as foundation to make your calculations, you need to ensure to add/remove any errors from the figures though. Once this is done you will need to submit to HMRC. Then in KashFlow you will need to go to Settings > VAT Settings and ensure online is filing is disabled, then submit the incorrect return within KashFlow by pressing Submit VAT Return. To ensure the system can be correct moving forward you will also need to go to Settings > Advanced Settings and set your VAT Reconciliation Date to the last day of the return you just submitted. As of your next quarter you would of been able to switch scheme with correct VAT figures

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