Currently browsing Employees

Changing employee details

This article will explain how to change an employees entry details should there be a need for amendment after an initial entry being created. When an employee entry has been added under the employee section details initially entered can be changed when/if required. To change an employee detail, this can be…

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Create an earning order

This article will describe how to add an earning order in to your KashFlow Payroll account. How to add an earning order: You can do this via Employees >Select an Employee >Earnings orders >Add new. You will then be required to choose the type of order you’re entering as well…

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How to delete an Employee

At times you may need to delete a employee. For example they could have been entered twice. As long as no RTI has been transmitted to HMRC since you added the second record of the employee, you can delete it. If the RTI has been transmitted you would need to…

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How to email payslip

This article will guide you through on how to trigger an automatic e-mail for payslips to be sent to your employees. First you will need to navigate to your Employees details to enter to enable the feature as well as enter a email address for the Payslip to be sent…

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How to make an employee a leaver

This article will talk you through the steps to take when you make a employee a leaver. A example for this would be if the employee has left the company. First you’ll need to select your Employee. This is done by using the Employee drop down at the top of…

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How to View Old Pay Periods

At times you may find that you need to view older pay periods. Start off by navigating to the Payroll tab from the left side menu > Payslips & Periods. Once here go to Finalised Periods and click on a period you’re looking for. This will give you a list of all employees and…

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