Currently browsing Employees

1. Downloading messages from HMRC for the 1st time

To download messages from HMRC (P6,P9,SL1,SL2 etc) –  from the Payroll Menu, select HMRC Notices.   This will then open the HMRC notices page. From here, select Check for DPS Notices   When downloading messages for the 1st time, you will be prompted to enter a date in which you…

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3. Applying messages

Once a message has been matched to an employee, the final part of the process is to action the change by applying the message. To do this, the first step is to view the message The system will then show up the message downloaded from HMRC. The example below shows…

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2. Messages downloaded – Matching Process

When Kashflow Payroll downloads messages from HMRC, the system will attempt to match the download with employees on your system. The matching process is completed by Kashflow looking at a number of fields, Name, NI Number, Works Number. If the system can find a unique employee based on the details…

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4. Effective date of messages

When downloading from HMRC, you will notice when that messages downloaded from HMRC have an Effective Date. This is the date the message should be actioned from. As you can see on the example below, the Effective Date is highlighted, and the date showing is 11-02-2023. This means the Tax…

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Holiday Pay Reports

The holiday reports can be found in the Absence tab under Reports | Employee menu option. Absence Report This report allows you to view employees with holidays within a specified date range. It displays the diary days (the number of days entered in the calendar) along with the Actual days…

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Employee Level Holiday Scheme Configuration

Purpose/Background The employee Holiday Configuration is found under the Holiday Configuration tab in the Employees | Calendar & Leave menu is laid out in a similar manner to the Company Level Holiday Scheme Configuration. Where a Company Level Holiday scheme exists and the employee has been created after the scheme…

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Legislation Update March 2020 – Release Notes

Welcome to your software update for Tax Year 2020/2021. This update of the software includes some new features and enhancements, together with any necessary legislative changes.  These notes provide information on all the improvements to the software. For details of changes to Rates and Allowances, click here. P60 changes and…

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How to set Directorship & Directors NI Calculation

Directors If the employee is or has been, a director since 6th April then KashFlow Payroll needs to know the date that the directorship started (and ended if in the current Tax Year) and the NIC Calculation Method (National Insurance Contributions).  A director can choose to have their NICs calculated…

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