Reminder letters

This s a documentation page for our shiny new REST API - you weren't meant to find it. This API isn't ready for public use yet. We're chopping and changing it a LOT as we grow it. So if you build something that uses it then it's very likely to break in a future update. Don't say you weren't warned!




Response Formats:



This method allows you to retrieve/update the contents for all types of reminder letters set up for user account. This method also allows you to create reminder letter document for a specific overdue invoice.


NumberNumericUnique identifier of the reminder letter
TitleStringTitle of the reminder letter
TextStringContents of the letter body
IncludeHeaderBooleanFlag indicating whether header should be included in reminder letter pdf or not.
SentViaStringThe name of the source using which reminder letter is being sent. The possible values are ‘Email’, ‘ViaPost’ and ‘Manual’.
SentToEmailIdStringEmail id to which reminder letter is being emailed.

GET Operation

Returns contents for all types of reminder letters set up for user account.

URL: /reminderletters

Example response for GET of list of reminderletters

    "Number": 1, 
    "Text": "....",
    "Title": "REMINDER NOTICE"
}, {
    "Number": 2,
    "Text": "....",
}, {
    "Number": 3,
    "Text": "....",
    "Title": "Formal Notice of Default"

POST Operation

Create reminder letter for invoice.

URL : /invoices/{number}/reminderletters
{number} in the URL will be replaced by valid invoice number for which reminder letter is to be created.

Example request for POST of a reminderletter

    "Title":"REMINDER NOTICE",
    "Text": "...",
    "IncludeHeader" : true

Example response for POST of a reminderletter


URL obtained in the response can be used to get reminder letter pdf.

PUT Operation

PUT of reminder letter
Updates contents for a particular reminder letter
URL : /reminderletters/{number}

{number} is the reminder letter number, which is a mandatory field for PUT operation.

Example request for PUT of a reminderletter

    "Title":"REMINDER NOTICE Updated",
    "Text": "..."

Example response for PUT of a reminderletter

    "Number": 1,
    "Text": "..."

PUT of a reminder letter for a particular invoice
Updates an invoice to reflect that the specified reminder letter has been sent to a customer. The source via which the letter is being sent and in case the letter is emailed, the recipient’s email id also needs to be specified.

URL : /invoices/{number}/reminderletters/{reminderletternumber}

Example request for PUT of a reminderletter for a particular invoice

    "SentVia": "Email",
    "SentToEmailId": "[email protected]"

Response Status: 200 OK

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