Bulk Documents In PDF

This s a documentation page for our shiny new REST API - you weren't meant to find it. This API isn't ready for public use yet. We're chopping and changing it a LOT as we grow it. So if you build something that uses it then it's very likely to break in a future update. Don't say you weren't warned!





Response Formats:



These methods allow to generate pdf of multiple invoices, customer statement and supplier statement of multiple customers and multiple suppliers at one go.

Invoice POST Operation

The following api generates a URL which can be used to generate pdf for multiple invoices corresponding to the specified invoice numbers.

URL : /documents/invoice/bulk

Example request for POST


Example response for POST


Customer Statement POST Operation

The following api generates a URL which can be used to generate pdf for customer statement of multiple customers.

URL : /documents/customerstatement/bulk

Example request for POST of Customer statement


Example response for POST


Customer Statement GET Operation

To Apply filter on the customer statement for multiple customers use the above generated permalink and add the filters mentioned in the url below.
If all the invoices are to be included in the statement then “all” must be sent in the filterby parameter.
If the statements are to be retrieved between two specific dates then startdate and enddate must be specified.
If case filterby and date range are not specified, then statements for the last 3 Months will be displayed.

URL : /documents/customerstatement/bulk/{guid}?media={media}&theme={theme}&startdate={startdate}&enddate={enddate}&excludepaid={excludepaid}&filterby={filterby}

Supplier Statement POST Operation

The following api generates a URL which can be used to generate pdf for supplier statement of multiple suppliers.

URL : /documents/supplierstatement/bulk

Example request for POST of Supplier statement


Example response for POST


Supplier Statement GET Operation

To Apply filter on the supplier statement for multiple suppliers use the above generated permalink and add the filters mentioned in the url below.
If all the purchases are to be included in the statement then “all” must be sent in the filterby parameter.
If the statements are to be retrieved between two specific dates then startdate and enddate must be specified.
If case filterby and date range are not specified, then statements for the last 3 Months will be displayed.

URL : /documents/supplierstatement/bulk/{guid}?media={media}&theme={theme}&startdate={startdate}&enddate={enddate}&excludepaid={excludepaid}&filterby={filterby}

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