NHS Pension & 24 Hr Retirement

In order for the NHS Pensions Agency to calculate the pension correctly, we have forward calculate the  pensionable pay in order to submit the final year of earnings.

We also need to prevent sending it via RTI to the government and without it affecting other staff.

  1. Go to Company > Setup Details > Government > Enable RTI Filing? >  Select NO
  2. Go into each employee individually (except the person drawing their NHS Pension)  Details > Payment options > Paid intermittently > Select YES
  3. Process the payroll of only the person drawing their NHS Pension’s payroll up to their retirement date saving/printing their payslips, finalising each month.
  4. Then restore each month back to the current month of payroll.
  5. Go to each employee individually to reset the paid intermittently status. Go to Details > Payment options > Paid intermittently > Select NO
  6. Finally, reactivate RTI. Go to Company > Setup Details > Government > Enable RTI Filing? > Select YES

Then process the payroll as normal.

3 Key points to remember about 24 hour retirement

  • The employee must retire from their contract/employment for at least 24 hours
  • The employee must not work for more than 16 hours a week for the first month after retirement
  • Once the month is over, there are no restrictions on working patterns thereafter.

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