One of the many much-loved, time-saving features that KashFlow customers love us for, is our invoicing capabilities, which have helped add professionalism and ease to the process of billing.

The fact that all KashFlow invoices are totally customisable is also a real plus, and it’s this feature that small businesses are really harnessing to make their invoices even better.invoicing

So if you want to get more out your invoicing, then read our 5 simple ways to do so:

1) Branding – Adding your business logo is a good start, but you can take this further by taking into into account the style of your website marketing material and more. Your invoices can help reaffirm your brand identity, so match your invoicing style elements with the style of your other content. For example, KashFlow customer Pinksheep (the winner of the KashFlow Invoice Competition) matches its website colour scheme, text style and design elements to their invoices, and the overall impact is professional and immediately identifiable.

2) Payment – The main benefit of e-invoicing is getting paid faster, and you can really make this work for you by adding options to your invoices to make customers payments simple. KashFlow allows you to add ‘Pay Online’ buttons to your invoices, for effortless online transactions powered by a range of payment processors that seamlessly integrate with KashFlow.

3) Contacts – Customers feel at ease if they feel like they can contact you. So include your business contact details: an email address, phone number, and a contact name. This not only gives your customers reassurance but also helps prevent any potential miscommunications or errors.

4) Social media – An invoice is a perfect place to include links to your social media profiles. This means more reassurance for customers (particularly if they prefer using Facebook to make contact than traditional methods) and also helps build your social media audience. At the same time, there’s no better marketing for a small business than a happy customer using Facebook and Twitter to rave about your business, so make sure you can be found and interacted with easily.

5) Find out more – An easy way to find out more about the experience your customers have with your brand and business, is with online customer satisfaction surveys. They’re easy to set up and you can easily add survey links to your invoices. Another plus here is that it tells your customers you care about their opinion, which helps build your reputation even more.

Read more about these 5 top tips here

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