weights-664765_960_720For a small business, when the money dries up, often the first thing to go is staff training. However, if you’re part of a business that has aspirations to compete at the sharp end of your sector, then training and development is something that should not be overlooked. The quality and type of training that’s offered to employees could be critical to the future success of your business. Below are just some of the key reasons how training benefits business.

  1. It keeps staff loyal

It’s a pity when a highly valued but disgruntled employee flies the nest to pastures new, breaking up the team. When a company invests in training staff should feel more empowered and valued, resulting in a loyal band of merry men and women right across the company.

  1. It helps raise the bar

Giving staff the opportunity to top up their skills will transcend them above the standard worker bee. With knowledge comes power and a culture of staff going above and beyond the call of duty. As staff strive to better themselves they’ll raise the bar for industry standards overall.

  1. Everyone benefits

Training is essential for knowledge transfer. It’s very important to share your learning and experience among your staff. If only one person has special skills, you’ll have a tough time recouping their knowledge if they suddenly leave the company. Remember sharing is caring.

  1. It creates flexibility and efficiency

With extra knowledge staff are no longer restricted by their limited skill set. This versatility will help boost productivity as staff are better equipped to handle a number of situations and tasks.  By teaching staff to be competent in sales, customer service, administration and operations, this will help keep them interested and will be especially helpful when setting schedules or filling in for absences.

  1. It attracts talent

Training can act as a tool for recruiting. Most workers today want more than just a wage. They’re interested in employers that allow them to learn new skills and help them grow. You are also more likely to attract and keep good employees if you can offer opportunities for development.

KashFlow is award-winning online accounting software, designed for small business owners. It simplifies bookkeeping, invoicing and keeping track of accounts. So that you can develop your bookkeeping skills KashFlow offer an on demand bookkeeping training video, available to buy when you purchase KashFlow bookkeeping software. If your company is staging for auto enrolment this year you can also take advantage of the AE training that KashFlow offers.

Or maybe you just want to see the general ins and outs of KashFlow? For a free no-obligation 1-2-1 demo just call the KashFlow on boarding team on  0844 815 5779.


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