funny-black-friday-memes-14It’s that time of year again – Black Friday. A time of attractive flash deals and frightening human stampedes. Personally we’d rather spend our hard earned coin from the safety and comfort of our home, than risk serious injury wrestling a scrum of frenzied shoppers at Currys. For us, the safe bet’s online and it still remains the main place were cash is exchanged.

If you’re still weighing up whether or not to put an offer together, we recommend you get on it now.

There are plenty of tactics you can test out to impress prospective customers. Why not throw a curve ball and extend your offer past your original announced deadline? Or how about doing a ‘sneak peek’ offer as a way to entice customers in, whereby you offer insight into items that’ll be available and on sale, or even give your customer the ability to reserve an item ahead of the time you plan to launch your offer.

Black Friday offers tend to lure in many a crazed customer that jump from site to site abandoning pages and carts left, right and centre. With all those people looking for a special offer, why not re-market to them? There’s plenty of software around that can help you to re-market deals, coupons, and anything else your heart desires to reel those valuable customers back in. It might be costly to implement but it’s so powerful, it should be something you should keep around after the holidays.

As you’re well aware, Black Friday is a time when online transactions go through the roof, so it’s wise to ensure that your software is fully ready to deal with the demand. The payments feature within KashFlow is an easy and convenient way to take instant payments from customers on what could potentially be your busiest day of the year.  With KashFlow payments in place, you won’t just have the structure in place to cope with the insane demand, but you can also avail of a number of other features that are designed to make sure you get paid on time, every time.


See how IRIS KashFlow works with your business and your books