Freelance workFinding a steady stream of freelance work can be a tough nut to crack. Getting commissions is no easy feat but the more freelance commissions you land, the more money you’ll earn and the more comfortable you’ll feel about your financial position. Here’s five quick tips to help get the work and the cash rolling in:

  1. Build a website/portfolio that gets you noticed

Your first task should be to build a website and/or portfolio that stands out. There’s no need to fret if your web skills are found wanting. Tools like WordPress, Wix or GoDaddy are perfect if you’re not web savvy and they’re full of user-friendly features and templates that are sure to fit the personality of your business. Don’t forget to state on your website that you are available for commissions. Add this to your social media spaces, blog, anywhere where you have a presence on the web and ensure it’s the first thing people see.

  1. Get your promotion mix right

Once your website/portfolio is up and running next you’ll need to consider how to sell your wares. The first commandment of striking out on your own is to avoid the hard sell. It’s a spammy tactic that will only turn people off. Use social media to try and help spread good word of mouth recommendations about the work that you do. Glowing testimonials like these count for a lot.

  1. Be upfront about costs

Don’t pussy foot around what you charge. Establish your daily, weekly, hourly rate with your client from the outset – this way there will be no hurt feelings later down the line. No matter how desperate you are to secure the work it’s crucial to be transparent about how much you expect for the job and the length of time it will take to complete it.

  1. Be proactive, not reactive

Use some imagination when shortlisting who to target for work by thinking outside of the traditional avenues. Also, have a look back through your inbox. There may be a client you have overlooked that you carried some work out for many years ago. Check in with them to see if they are in need of assistance. And if they like what you had done for them previously, then you could be lucky enough to be looking at repeat commissions!

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