This Certification course (Level 2) is a natural continuation of the Level 1 Certification. Attending Level 1 courses is not a prerequisite, but it may help you to get more out of the course if you have already attended the Level 1 Certification.

This course will look at the features of KashFlow that you’ll need to be aware of moving forwards, like running a year end, importing, projects etc.


No prerequisites.

Delivery & Duration

The course is delivered live online via Webex.  Once enrolled onto an online Webinar, you will receive the joining instructions on the morning off the course.

The course is scheduled for 1 hour 30 minutes. 

Learning Objectives

– Importing Data into KashFlow via CSV imports

-Email templates


-Managing Expenses & Petty Cash

-Year-End Process


At the end of the course you will be given the link to our online Certification Exam to complete in your own time.  The exam needs to be completed in order to be KashFlow Certified.

Where Next

Move to Level 3 Certification.

See how IRIS KashFlow works with your business and your books