Editing Description, Sales Type and Outgoing Type on Individual PayPal Transactions

Another improvement to our accounting software based on feedback from our customers:

This is an update for customers using our PayPal Accounting import service.

When you configured your settings (Settings -> PayPal Data) you would have selected an outgoing type for your purchases and a sales type for your invoices. Whatever you selected would have been the sales/outgoing type used when invoices and receipts are automatically created for you.

We’ve now added the ability to individually change the sales/outgoing type for each of your PayPal transactions. When you are viewing your pending transactions list, you should notice that it says – next to each transaction – what your default sale/outgoing type is. You can click this to change it to something else just for this single transaction.

Then, when you choose to create an invoice or receipt from the transaction, it’ll be assigned to the newly selected sales/outgoing type instead of to the default selection.

You can also edit the description of a transaction. To do this, just click the pen icon to the right of the current description.

This has all been done in such a way as to make it a very fast and slick process.

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