Free Guide Download

Your Bookkeeping Checklist for an Easy Self-Assessment

If submitting your last Self-Assessment led to the week from hell then rest
assured, downloading this guide is the first step to ensuring that next one
is the easiest ever.
From what to keep track of through the year to how best to fill in the form,
we’ll walk you through the steps you can take for an easy year end.

Having problems? please contact [email protected]

What’s inside the guide

Pink tick in circle.

Registering with HMRC

The key to a stress-free Self-Assessment is planning ahead.

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Through the year… track money coming in

To make sure you’re paying the right amount of tax, you need to make sure your year-end statement is as accurate as possible.

Pink tick in circle.

Through the year… track money going out

Another job best performed through the year is to track the money going out of your business, especially your allowable expenses.

Pink tick in circle.

Getting ready… reconcile your accounts

One of the best ways to prepare for any tax year end is to make sure you reconcile your accounts.

See how IRIS KashFlow works with your business and your books