Deleting Receipts and Invoices

Another improvement to our accounting software based on feedback from our customers:

We’ve made it easier to delete receipts and invoices in bulk.

If you’re just playing with the software prior to using it for real then this can be a useful way to quickly delete all or most of your invoices or receipts.

Under the Sales tab, tick the box next to the invoices you want to delete. Then choose the “delete invoices” option from the Select an Action drop-down list and click “Go”

The same applies to receipts under the Purchases tab.

If you enabled the transaction lock to stop transactions prior to a certain date being changed (Settings -> Advanced Settings),t hen any invoices in the locked period will be highlighted to you and you won’t be able to delete them unless you remove the lock.

There are of course plenty of warnings to make sure you don’t accidentally delete anything.

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