Default Defaults

Another improvement to our accounting software based on feedback from our customers:

When you record sales and purchases you are asked to select a sales/outgoing type. It defaults to “Other”. Leaving this set to Other is easy but wrong. It makes it virtually impossible to get any meaningful analysis out of your accounts.

It is possible to set a default Sales Type for each of your customers and default Outgoing Type for each of your suppliers (i.e. “Telephones” for BT), but if you don’t explicitly set this then this defaults to “Other” too.

We’ve seen a few occasions where people have classed everything as “Other” and then had to spend considerable time tidying it all up.

To stop this happening in the future, we have added the option of choosing the Sales Type that new customers should default to. A sort of default-default if you like.

In Sales -> Sales Type you set this at the bottom of the screen. Then when you create new customers they’ll be set to this Sales Type as their default Sales Type for new invoices for that customer. You can of course edit it.

It’s just intended to allow you to be as lazy as possible and still enter meaningful data.

The same applies on the Purchases/Suppliers side of thing, just see Purchases -> Outgoing Types

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