Default Date

Another improvement to our accounting software based on feedback from our customers:

When you create a new invoice, purchase or bank transaction – it defaults to today’s date.

We’ve had a number of customers comment lately that this can be a bit of a pain if you are entering a batch of invoices from earlier in the month. Essentially you need to keep changing the date from today’s date to whatever date you are working with.

So we’ve just upgraded the software to make this a bit better. When you create a new invoice (or purchase or bank transaction) it will check to see if you’ve already entered an invoice during this login session. If you have then it’ll default to the date you used for that invoice. If you haven’t then it’ll default to today’s date.

A nice simple change that should have no impact whatsoever on those of you who were happy with how it was, but should help out those who wanted this feature.

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