Default Customer Reference

Another improvement to our accounting software based on feedback from our customers:

You can now set a default customer reference field for each of your customers. This can be set by selecting a customer under the “Customers” tab.

The name for the customer reference field can be changed to anything you like in Settings -> Invoice Options -> Display Options

When you create a new invoice, the customer reference field will be pre-filled with whatever you entered as the default for the selected customer

This has a number of uses.

For instance you may have renamed “Customer Reference” to “Purchase Order” and the customer has an ongoing PO number for business with you. This will save you re-entering it each time.

Another example is if you need to record or display secondary reference field for your customers (in addition to the Customer Code).

In the Settings page mentioned above you can also set the Customer Reference (or whatever you’ve renamed it to) field to display on the PDF invoices

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