KashFlow Makes The cheque is in the post Excuse History.

New technology unveiled today by award-winning accounting software company KashFlow now makes it easier for SME’s to collect money they are owed by enabling them to process credit and debit card payments via their accounting software.

A leading UK based accounting software company has today unveiled the roll out of a new payment tool that enables small to medium sized companies who use their software to process credit and debit card payments at the click of a button.

KashFlow has linked up with SecureHosting, the UK’s leading independent Internet payment service provider. Businesses that use the award winning KashFlow accounting software will be able to collect payments over the phone via debit and credit cards thus eliminating the old excuse of “The cheque is in the post”.

Users will simply be able to click “take card payment” that will bring up an automatically populated form with the customers details on. Once the card details are collected the secure gateway between KashFlow and SecureHosting takes care of the payment process.

The new development is part of KashFlow’s ongoing process of implementing features that it’s customers ask for and removes the need for users to re-key data into a separate payment system.

Speaking about the new functionality Duane Jackson, Managing Director of KashFlow commented,

“We’ve already made bookkeeping very simple for small businesses so our customers naturally look to see what else we can simplify for them. Setting yourself up to take card payments can be a real chore – this addition to our software and the partnership with SecureHosting takes away all of the hassle.”

He continued,

“The most common excuse for non-payment is still ‘The cheque is in the post’ – if you’re able to take a card payment over the phone then that excuse will no longer work.”

Small businesses are already using and benefiting from the new functionality. Jamie Miller name from Active Sports was one of the original customers that requested the feature. He’s been testing and using the software and he commented,

“It makes a refreshing change to work with a software company that actually listens to its users. I’ve seen the software constantly improve over the last couple of years, but this new addition is a great feature for me. It saves me a lot of time every day. And best of all it’s not costing me anything extra”.

Jonathan Rodger, MD of SecureHosting, commented on the partnership: “This is a logical extension of the KashFlow software and we are delighted to be providing the card processing facilities for this innovative new feature. We are seeing an increasing move away from the traditional tabletop card terminal towards PC and Internet based solutions.”

SecureHosting offers card payment solutions to thousands of businesses in the UK, for both website and telephone orders.

KashFlow launched its flagship product, an online tool specifically designed to help owner-managers in small businesses manage their accounts, in mid 2005. Since that time it has quickly won a significant share of the valuable accounting software market along with launching a new direct to accountant division in late 2006.

In late 2007 KashFlow won a Business Software Satisfaction Award, judged entirely by customer feedback, for the category of web-based accounting beating the likes of Sage and Netsuite. KashFlow also received a second round of venture capital funding from Lord Young of Graffham, former Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and ex Chairman of Cable and Wireless.

The KashFlow accounting package is securely hosted online, requires no installation and can be trialled for free by visiting https://www.kashflow.com/ .

The site also displays examples of feedback from actual users.

See how IRIS KashFlow works with your business and your books