Brand Assets

On the journey that is using our brand correctly, let this page be your sherpa.

Logo guidelines

The Pink and Black Logo is to be used only on a white background. This is used as the primary logo for KashFlow and appears on all documentation published by KashFlow.

The White Logo should only be used on a dark background to provide sufficient contrast, in order to make sure it is legible. It is provided with a transparent background and can be used with an opacity of between 50% and 100%.

The Dark Logo should only be used with a light background, and should provide sufficient contrast as to be legible. It is provided with a transparent background and can be used with an opacity of between 40% and 100%.

Download Logo's Jpeg


Maybe it's our own fault for picking a difficult name, but a lot of people seem to get our name wrong. It's not kash flow, it's not Kashflow (nope, it's NOT 'close enough') and it's definitely not Ka$hFlow...unless we pivot to become hip hop moguls. It's KashFlow, with a capital K and a capital F, thank you.





As much as we love Comic Sans (lolz), our signature font is Open Sans. Use it wisely, young Padawan.

Download OpenSans Font

Headline 1 is Open Sans Regular 48px

Headline 2 is Open Sans Light 32px

Headline 3 is Open Sans Regular 32px

Paragraph is Open Sans Regular 16px

Brand colours







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