The KashFlow Connect team loves hosting and speaking at events. So when one of our key partners, Tracey Aldous at Aldous and Saunders Accountants in Norwich, invited me to talk at an AAT event, I naturally jumped at the chance. Aldous and Saunders

Most of my presentations about the cloud, cloud accounting and KashFlow start off broadly similar. Specifically, I find out what difficulties accountants are having with their current ways of working with clients. And the issues tend to be the same: Clients supplying information in disparate methods; clients not supplying information in a timely fashion; clients struggling to maintain accurate records; wasted time in chasing clients for information; the list of issues goes on.

When digging deeper, one key theme keeps reappearing, and that is accountants tend to be stuck doing too much low-value work for their clients, and are too busy working within the business than working on growing their own business. The general consensus among accountants I’ve spoken to is that if they had access to their clients’ information in real time, they could be more proactive in supporting them.

Fortunately, using KashFlow software means all of the above issues can be overcome, and when providing this solution to the room of accountants at the AAT event, most were receptive.

However there were some concerns raised. Most of the fears expressed were based on getting clients to work in new ways, challenging the ‘status quo’, and fear of losing clients, even though the evidence clearly illustrates the opposite is true.

So the following question was posed to Tracey at Aldous and Saunders:

“How do you get your clients to work in the way you want them to, i.e. collaboratively in the cloud using KashFlow?”

Her answer gave me some insight about how accountants can utilise KashFlow within their practices.
Aldous and Saunders, for example builds KashFlow into their key services, and agrees to meet each client face-to-face or have a telephone conversation with them on a monthly basis. This allows accountants like Tracey to be more pro-active in supporting clients.

Working in this way means that there is no traditional year end ‘rush’. Tracey’s clients appreciate the proactive and collaborative nature of the relationship and as a result, she says she has fantastic levels of client retention.

Other partners who have made KashFlow a success are also taking advantage of the other services we provide, such as free telephone training for their clients during the trial stage.

So why not start the conversation today and find out what other services we can offer to you? Contact us and see how one of our Partner Success team members can assist you in driving efficiency to your practice.

Email: [email protected]
Call: 0207 4030 101

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