Last week SwitchPlane published a comprehnsive blog post demonstrating how to connect to the KashFlow API from PHP.

If you’ve dabbled with PHP and fancy trying to connect your site to KashFlow then it’s a great place to start.

Also check out the additional resources for PHP and other languages listed on the Resources page of the API site.

KashFlow is a leading provider of cloud-based accounting software – it completely replaces Sage or Quickbooks and is much easier and faster to use. In this blog post I’m going to explain how you can get your website to talk to KashFlow using PHP. If you read it all, you’ll find out how to program your website to create a sales invoice on KashFlow when you sell something!

If you’re a web developer, this is cool simply because it’s cool. If you’re a business owner or a financial type, this is cool because you can automate some of your boring finance stuff and spend more time on important things like Social Media and late lunches.

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